Sunday 21 November 2010

New Beginnings

I have decided to finally satisfy the inner "Carrie Bradshaw" inside of me and start writing a blog. Typing this right now reminds me of the shots of Sex and the City with Carrie sat at her computer looking very stylish and glamourous. And then here I am, in my pyjamas, with serious insomnia, trying to think of something with some importance to share.
I have wanted to start a blog for a while now but I haven't felt inspired or motivated enough to do it but recent events have made me re-evaluate where my life is heading. (I know this sounds super cheesy, -_-)
My grandfather tragically passed away last Friday, which obviously is hugely distressing for the whole family but in some ways I'm glad he is finally at rest now. He had suffered from bowel cancer and various other illnesses for the last few years of his life and I knew how unhappy he was. He was such a vibrant character and I saw how the cancer had overpowered him and robbed him of his dignity. Which made me realise how you really do have to live in the moment and if you have an idea or a dream, just to go for it. And even if it doesn't work out and completely fuck up, at least you can say you tried.
This is going to be my attitude for not only this blog, but life in general.
Although death is an absolutely awful thing, I do believe you're meant to learn and take something away from it, thats the one glimmering bit of light in a big ol' shitpile of a situation.
Anyways, my first post is dedicated to my Grandpops Jack xxx
(yes, he does have gold teeth, what a ganstaaa) xxx

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